This word of the week really covers how our Christmas break and festivities went. I’m so glad to say they were successful. Thankfully we have so far been able to avoid any more covid related illnesses. But I do I feel like we are waiting for our turn. Because of this, we were successful in seeing our family at Christmas. We were also successful in attending all of the activities we had booked but kept a secret from the children. We did this as I didn’t want them to face any disappointment if we couldn’t go.

The weekend before Christmas we had tickets to see the Frozen West End show. I had purchased tickets to the relaxed performance before covid hit. So this was a rescheduled date. I think our date was originally for February 2021. To be honest I wouldn’t have chosen the weekend before Christmas to visit London but we had a nice time. I also booked tickets to Ice Skate at Somerset House. Working in the West End for most of my career, I only realised how close Somerset House was when we went to watch the Lion King in September 2021. I knew the children would love to ice skate and we all had a great time.
Christmas week was spent celebrating with grandparents and we finally got to visit my brother. Ethan catching coivd meant we had to cancel our last planned visit. This caused Ethan great upset and he was only happy when we had a date to visit again. I kept everything crossed hoping that no restrictions came in. I don’t think I could have handled telling Ethan we couldn’t go again.
The weekend after Christmas and the New Year brought another trip into London. This time it was to the 02 to watch Disney on Ice Find Your Hero. We had front row seats, I must have been quick booking those tickets! We were also very lucky to get there as they had to cancel most of the shows the week before due to covid illness. I thought it would feel weird being in a big arena but it felt nice, in fact even a bit normal.
We also had a midweek treat this week. Ethan was invited to our local Christmas Pantomime’s relaxed performance. Little E has never been to a panto and I knew she would love it. I had to take the children to see it on my own as Darren didn’t get home from work in time. This was a big thing for me as the only thing I have ever been able to do with them on my own is the school run. There might have possibly been a trip to soft play but I might have arranged to meet friends there. I had to make sure I thought about toilet breaks but the trip was successful. The children even sat in their seats whilst I got them drinks and snacks. They both loved the panto as did I. Hopefully we can go as a family in the future.
It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday season with your family. The panto sounds lovely too. Hopefully, things like this will all begin to feel a bit more normal.
I’m so glad you’ve been able to enjoy so many of your Christmas plans. Successful is such a wonderful word of the week. How lovely to go and see the pantomime and I’m so glad that it all worked out well with you taking Ethan and Little E on your own. #WotW