A Glowing School Report


I can’t believe that we are nearing Ethan’s second year of schooling, his first full year in education. The year has flown by so quickly and the next few weeks are full of the end of year traditions, sports day, parents evening etc. This also means its time for the yearly reports, a detailed look at how our children are getting on at school.

What I love about Ethan’s school, and his reports, is they look at our children’s positives. We know our children learn differently and have lots of struggles but they are never mentioned.

Ethan’s report clearly shows how much progress he has made in this past year. His speech has come on massively and also how he interacts with his peers more than he ever did. Ethan’s maths skills are also slowly improving and he is slowly starting to learn how to read.

The report also states what they will be working on with him next year. It covers his academic areas but also his social and life skills. Area’s that I still believe a mainstream education wouldn’t have covered.

It has been decided that Ethan will stay in the same class next year. I’m hoping that being in familiar surroundings and with familiar staff will positively help with his continued learning. Parents evening is next and I’m looking forward to being able to catch up with Ethan’s teachers and seeing his work from the past year.

2 thoughts on “A Glowing School Report”

  1. Aww! That is wonderful! It really sounds like Ethan is doing so well at school. That’s great that he gets to stay in the same class too. I imagine it being a great help to his learning x

  2. You’re so right about life skills. That was our choice when deliberating over SN v mainstream for D, I’d rather she’s happy in an environment that’s best for her, where she’s learning about how to interact with people and learning basic life skills as opposed to being stressed out by expectations.
    Ethan’s done so well, you must be mega proud. Hope he settles back in quickly in September X #SSAmazingAchievements

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