Last weekend was a lovely, much needed, family weekend. Darren had two days off so we had four full days together.
Thursday was spent at Ethan’s very first sports day, Friday we took Ethan to the soft play as there was a threat of thunderstorms. These never materialised, which upset us as we wanted to take Ethan to the beach again. So on Sunday morning before the predicted rain, which did arrive, we made our way to the beach.
As soon as we got there Ethan babbled excitedly, I’m sure it’s because he remembered where we were. As soon as we got down to the beach Ethan run down to the sea and started throwing in the stones, another thing he remembered from our previous trip.
A Moment Of Normality In Our Flappy World #CountryKids
On the way to the beach I was saying how I have been missing being able to take part in activities with Ethan because of the pregnancy. Well the baby must have been listening because for a short while the pressure was lifted from my bladder and I was able to join Ethan for a paddle in the sea. Yes there are even photos to prove it!
Darren likes to torment push Ethan’s sensory issues so he buried his feet in the sand. Ethan quickly freed himself every time.
There are moments on our journey when things happen and we remember we are travelling a different path, sports day did this for us. I would be lying if I said that this didn’t upset us at times. It does, there are moments that we crave some normality in our lives. I’m not saying that we want to change Ethan in anyway, its the fact that we have to be so prepared for any situation that may arise. It’s all part of the process of learning to live with autism.
For that moment on the beach we had a sense of normality, we didn’t stand out from the crowd, a family enjoying quality time without a care in the world.
Lovely post. Beach fun is so simple and wonderful to enjoy as a family. Obviously a place that Ethan enjoys. #CountryKids
Thank you, I would say it’s his and his dad’s favourite place. It’s growing on me ;0)
What lovely photo’s Jane. Ethan sure looks like he was enjoying the beach and having fun! Loving your baby bump! not long now hey! #countrykids
Thank you. Baby bump is getting there ;0) x
Know just how you feel, it was like that on the beach for us in Wales, we felt no different. Look at you, how exciting. I really want another child, just been trying to get a bit healthier first. Ehan looks so happy 🙂 We are having rages at the moment, Toby is getting increasingly frustrated. x
Different is fun but sometimes it is so nice to blend in :0) I tried to get healthier first, it just didn’t happen lol. Ethan loves visiting the sea. We are in a throwing stage it’s driving us insane!
Love the bump 🙂 beaches are great places for letting all your cares in the world float away, aren’t they? I miss living by the seaside! xx
It was a much needed trip that day to blow away some cobwebs, I love that we can just jump in the car and be there in about thirty minutes, don’t have to plan for the whole day then x
Am glad that Ethan loved his day at the beach! Life has it’s ups and downs, and sometimes it can be upsetting, but it’s beautiful moments like these that make it all worthwhile. Hope you’re doing well x #CountryKIds
Thank you, yes life is most definitely a rollercoaster in our house x
Loving this honey and so nice you got to have some beach fun too 🙂
Thank you x
Such lovely shots of Ethan’s day at the beach. You can see how relaxed and happy Ethan is!
Thank you, he does have so much fun there x
Such a wonderful family day out with lots of fun and games! Well done to Ethan for letting Darren bury his feet so many times. Lovely photos of you all from you day at the beach – thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.
Darren does like to test him at times, but I think it’s a positive thing for Ethan. Thanks for hosting x
You’ll have plenty of those moments – ordinary times where no-one will ever know, you’ll be able to relax and just be 🙂
I wish we lived a little closer to a beach – my boys are asking to go because it’s been a good while now, so we’ve a day trip planned when school breaks up 🙂
Thank you, I hope you and the boys have a great time at the beach. Sounds like they have been looking forward to it x
Sounds like a really lovely day at the beach as a family, and just what you needed in terms of being a bit of normality. You and your bump look lovely by the way, glad to hear baba allowed you to enjoy the sea with Ethan! Xx #countrykids
Thank you, yes baby must have heard our conversation in the car, it was great enjoying the sea with Ethan x
looks like you all had fun at the beach before the rain set in #countrykids
Yes, we left just before the rain showed up, perfect timing on our part :0)
Beach walks for us always end up all of us being wet. I shouldve learn and like bring a towel with us but no. We always just end up walking from the beach to the house wet. Sorry I just remembered this when I saw your fun photos =) #countrykids
What a lovely post!