This year the celebration for Red Nose Day took place on Friday the 19th of March. I was aware that it was happening this year. As I haven’t been keeping track of dates I didn’t really know when. When I collected Ethan after school on Tuesday afternoon he excitedly told me that Friday was Red Nose Day. He declared that he would be dressing up as a minion!
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Normally Ethan has no preference when it comes to dressing up. For past World Book Days, I find him a costume that he might feel comfortable wearing. If a non-uniform day has a theme I will select clothes to match the theme. For Ethan to declare that he will be dressing up as a minion is a big step for him. I couldn’t refuse his request as he rarely asks for anything. This left me with a bit of a problem. I had forty-eight hours to find a minion costume and no shops were open!
Amazon, here we come!
Minions aren’t the ‘in’ thing at the moment when it comes to merchandise. The release of the fifth film has been put on hold so I knew my search wasn’t going to be easy. I started my search looking for a minion’s fancy dress costume*. They were available in younger children’s ages and adult sizes but no sizes to fit Ethan.
Ethan got a new pair of jeans for Christmas which I thought would work. All we would need to do was add a yellow t-shirt. I was able to find a plain yellow t-shirt on the Marks and Spencer’s website. They also offered next-day delivery which is what I needed with our tight deadline.
Minions goggles* are still available to purchase but I couldn’t find any online shops that offered next-day delivery. I knew that steampunk glasses* in the correct colour would be a great substitute. Ethan wouldn’t place the goggles over his eyes he would just place them on his head. I thought a yellow beanie hat* would be a great way to finish off the look.

Ethan loved dressing up as a minion. He proudly wore his hat and goggles in the morning. Showing them off to his transport escort. I’m so glad I was able to fulfill his fancy dress request. Hopefully next time I get a bit more notice!