Happy Birthday Ethan – Today You Are 5!

Dear Ethan,

Today you turn five, where has the past year gone, the past five! You have grown up before our eyes this year, I wish time would slow down just a little.


It has been an amazing year for you, you have come so far. Your communication has come on leaps and bounds, there are still moments when it sounds like you are talking Russian and I am your main translator most of the time but the fact that you can communicate with me is fantastic.

This year you have discovered more words, put away, no, and you have even been caught singing!

My favorite word, without doubt, is Mummy! How I longed for you to call me that and you gave me that gift at Christmas.


Speech isn’t the only thing that you have mastered this year. You learnt how to use a cup, this is something we had been working on for a while but you wasn’t interested. In true Ethan fashion you worked out how to use the cup in one afternoon when you were ready.


There have been many adventures for you this year and you have surprised us many times. You took part in your first sports day, and you had a part in the Christmas Nativity. We discovered you can Ice Skate when we visited Lapland UK. We also discovered that you could use a scooter, something we wasn’t expecting at all.

In July you become a big brother, it was a big change for all of us but I hope you enjoy being a four as much as we do.


If becoming a big brother wasn’t a big enough change you recently started school. I’m hoping that we have selected the best school for you and I hope you don’t miss your nursery too much.


The last year really was a big one for you, full of change. I’m looking forward to what your fifth year brings and all of the firsts that you will experience.

Happy Birthday my beautiful boy x

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Ethan – Today You Are 5!”

  1. Lovely letter to your Ethan, he’s done so well and come so far. I hope he’s settling into the routine of school and that last spiky-haired picture is great! It’s nice to read and see his bond with Little E too.
    Thanks for linking up with #SSAmazingAchievements x

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