Hello June!

June is a very busy month for us with things we have planned but I didn’t realise I would be too busy to write this post and I’m only just getting around to it with nearly a week of June already gone!


Ethan’s Goals

We still have the same goals set for Ethan in June, this is how we got on in May…
Sleeping in his own bed – Ethan is still staying in his cot through the night but Darren, having some holiday during May, completely threw Ethan off of his routine. This made him wake earlier in the nights and basically meant that one of us was in his room all night from the time we went to bed. I’m thinking about making Ethan a picture board that shows Ethan that Darren is at work and what our plans for the day are in the hope that this may settle him more at night. I have spoken to our family support key worker about this but she wants us to hold off with doing this for a little while so that it doesn’t confuse his PECS training.

Brushing his teeth – Our family support key worker gave us some fantastic advise last week and for the past few days Ethan has been holding the toothbrush by himself again, I will be blogging about this soon. We have purchased a teether that doubles as a tooth brush in the hope of getting closer to those back teeth but Ethan is yet to let us put it into his mouth.

Using a cup – We have changed our plan of action with this issue. After a recommendation from a friend we have purchased a DOIDY CUP which is designed to make the transition a little easier. Ethan has not yet wanted to drink water from this but has had a few sips of tea using it and he doesn’t normally drink tea. The plan is that tomorrow morning his milk is being put in this cup and we have got to try to get Ethan to drink it from this. It won’t be easy and there will be tears from both sides but we really need to push Ethan forward with this. 
Doidy Cup
Learning Makaton – This has taken a little bit of a back seat at the moment as I have realised how Ethan really doesn’t look at me when I talk to him and we are really pushing PECS. I will continue to use the signs for eat and drink as I do think it is important to open up as many lines of communication to Ethan as possible. 
Continue with using PECS – As I blogged about HERE we really stepped up our PECS work with Ethan during May and he uses them now to show us what he wants. We still have a very long way to go with them but it’s so nice now that Ethan can pick the snacks he wants for lunch. He just needs to learn that he can ask for things when he wants them and not only when we prompt him, hopefully that will come with time. 
Using his hands – I was concerned in May with how Ethan had forgotten to use his hands, hopefully we are now back on track and Ethan is even showing an interest in our forks when we eat dinner now. I think with Ethan he sometimes takes steps back in his development to come forward again, and we have seen some massive leaps with Ethan’s speech this past month. I really hope this continues. 

Personal Goals

I didn’t do that well with my personal goals, I spent most most of May trying to make space on my computer and stop it from falling over. This did mean that I completed our 2009 holiday video but that’s as far as I got. My poor little computer can’t keep up with the amount of photos and videos I take of Ethan. I feel this will be a continuous battle. 
Our TV and iPad time has reduced with working on the PECS and the warmer weather but our family support key worker has told me Ethan may need his iPad time to self regulate after his day so I’m not feeling so guilty about him using it because he is also learning from it. 
Did I make the 2009 holiday photobook? No, it will have to be put off until July when we may have some spare cash. 
Did I find the light bulbs? No, I kept asking Darren to get one down for me so I can find out the make/model of the bulbs and I’m still waiting. Hopefully he will do this for me this weekend. 
Did we put the hook on the bathroom door? No, but we have the hook so its a start!
So my June goals are the same as before, lets hope I get a little further. 

What Does June Bring?

We have a very busy month ahead and most of the things planned are during the same week. We are going to see In The Night Garden Live, are going to The Autism Show, I’m going to the Autism Anglia Conference and we have another school visit planned. It’s also father’s day this month and we have visit’s with family and friends planned. Not forgetting we have hair cuts booked in! 
This month we are also taking part in the BritMums Kids Grow Wild Challenge so we have a lot to keep us busy which means I will also have lots to blog about, let’s hope I can keep up!

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