Another month, another sofa photo. My new years resolution will have to be more imaginative family photos!
This was the best photo of a bad bunch. Ethan has become aware of taking photos and we now let him press the remote button and then he rushes over to the camera to look at the screen to see the photo. This meant that most of the photos taken are now Ethan-less or just of a close up of Ethan’s face! I’m so glad he is interested in the camera, Father Christmas may have been told about this.
I can’t believe how fast the month of September has gone. It feels like we were waiting for ages for Ethan to return to school and now it is the countdown to half term!
Thankfully Ethan’s return to school went quite smoothly and we feel that he is really enjoying being back at school again. I even saw him with his school at a soft play and he was so happy being with them that me being there and then leaving wasn’t an issue for him. This week we even attended the Harvest Festival assembly at his school and he sat very nicely with his TA’s and classmates.
Ethan has definitely become more vocal over the past few months and this month he discovered a question. He can now ask me ‘What is it?’ and tends to every few minutes which can be very intense!
Little E’s baby groups are now back in full swing, she has moved up to the next group in Sing and Sign which Darren has even been coming too. She has to move up in Baby Ballet when she is 18 months old and to be honest I’m not sure how that is going to work. Time will tell.
This month we have really been trying to get back into a routine but that hasn’t happened yet. Hopefully things will be more organized in October.
Love Ethan’s happy smile in this photo and glad that he has settled back in at school and is asking “what is it?” even if the frequency of the questioning does get a little too much at times! Well done to Little E on moving up on her classes and hope you manage to find a new routine that works for you all š
Sofa pictures are awesome – you can really see how big the children are getting š And yay for so many lovely moments this month š