Dear Little E on Sunday you were suddenly seven! I can honestly say I have no idea where the last seven years have gone. I can barely remember you as a baby as you were always trying to keep up with your brother. So much so you missed the learning to walk stage and were practically running around before your first birthday.

You wanted a birthday party with your friends this year. You didn’t get the chance to have one last year but this year we are still limited by Covid restrictions. We decided to have a small gathering instead with your grandparents and our family friends. Unfortunately, we had to cancel this at that last minute as Ethan had to go into isolation.

I would never dream that we would be hiding from a virus in your lifetime. Sometimes it feels like we are in a plot of a movie. But you have taken lots of it in your stride and I’m sad to say it has also made you grow up quickly. There have been tearful moments but we are getting through together.

Although you are suddenly seven at times we do think you are older than your years. I think that having a sibling with autism makes us expect a little bit more of you than we should. You are an amazing influence on your brother but we also have you remember you are a child too.

You have a passion for plants and gardens that didn’t come from us. We love to embrace it and hope this love stays with you as you grow. You have brought lots of plants home from school this term. I’m pleased to say that they have all grown. This is short of a miracle for my track record.

You love our adventures and will always cry when we have to leave a place we have stayed overnight. We did worry we were spoiling you but when lockdown lifted last year you told us you just wanted a walk with a hot chocolate. I love that you embrace Disney with me. I have never been the owner of so many Mickey and Minnie ears. You love wearing them with me and I hope as a teenager this will still be the cool thing to do.

Try not to grow up too quickly this year Little E. Enjoy being suddenly seven. We will reschedule your birthday tea as soon as we can. And we will keep everything crossed that we can go and create more memories soon.