A photo a day, every day, for a year!
Day 214
Darren sorted out Ethan’s quad bike and it looks like Ethan has finally got the hang of how to work it.
Day 215
We went to Tescos and picked up some extra snacks to keep Ethan going. Popcorn was one of them.
Day 216
Ethan went for a respite day a school. He coped better than his first experience but when he came home he gave me lots of cuddle’s.
Day 217
To get Ethan out of the house we took him to Clacton Pier. He had a go on the penny machines but we were terrible parents and didn’t let him go on any rides. I have promised him we will go back before the end of the holidays.
Day 218
Little E had her MMR today. I had put it off two times before but glad it has finally been done. I took this photo of them before bed.
Day 219
We discovered that Ethan will be returning to school a week later than expected. This means we have an extra week for the summer holidays. Chocolate was needed!
Day 220
Ethan’s swimming club had full use of the leisure pool tonight, we all got the chance to swim and put Ethan’s swim fin to the test.
mmm salted caramel 🙂 lovely the cuddles photo such a sweet moment x
The quad bike looks like it’s going down well. I didn’t realise you got respite days. I guess it might help keep in touch with school and give you a break. Sounds like it’s a bit unsettling for him though. Looks like the cuddles helped though.
Little E looks like she didn’t suffer too much with the MMR. Chocolate is always needed for news like that
What a lovely week. Ethan is getting so big & is so cute. Love the picture of him & little E in bed. Glad you got her Mmr done & hope school goes ok. Hugs x
Beautiful photo of Ethan cuddling. Love his quad bike, he looks so happy riding it. We enjoy popcorn too, sweet and salty being our fave flavour