olay total effects box

Project 365 2021 Week 14 Day’s 93-99

A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2021 Week 14. It was the second week of the school Easter holidays. It was nice having a four-day weekend and we got the chance to meet up with family and friends. Darren returned to work whilst I juggled my working day around the children. It was easier without having to fit in homeschooling. But boy do they love to snack!

Project 365 – 2021 Week 14

Day 93

ethan little es easter gifts 2021 Week 14

Recently our Sunday mornings are all about getting out for a walk. We already knew we would be visiting Holland-on-Sea on Sunday morning so we gave the children their Easter gifts on Saturday. We also surprised the children with a picnic in the park to meet up with our friends. I didn’t get the chance to take any photos as we were too busy catching up.

Day 94

little e ethan holding found dogfish holland on sea

With restrictions lifted a little I feel we can travel that little bit further to Ethan’s happy place. We visited Holland-on-Sea and also met Nana and Pappy there. This was another surprise for the children. I can’t remember the last time we saw them for such a long period of time. Whilst there Ethan picked up a shark. We couldn’t believe our eyes as Ethan is so sensory with his hands. After some research, we discovered it was a Dogfish. Sadly it was already dead and we can only assume it somehow washed up.

Day 95

little e lego easter bunny set

I helped Little E make her Easter Lego today. It took her a while but we did it together. She isn’t a big fan of Lego perhaps she will grow to love it as she gets older.

Day 96

ethan little e scooter walk cricket ground

Darren didn’t start his work shift until Wednesday this week. So he took the children out for a scooter walk whilst I worked.

Day 97

british gas thermostat

We got a new thermostat today. Our display screen on our old one was going and we have put up with it for over a year. We finally took the time to do something about it and made an appointment with British Gas.

Day 98

little es dinner sausage beans potato letters spelling name 2021 Week 14

Today passed in a mixed blur of work and feeding the kids. I took a photo of Little E’s dinner as I think I amused her with it.

Day 99

olay total effects box 2021 Week 14

Time to start looking after myself a bit more. I need a new moisturiser and have tried a few in recent years but I have had some bad reactions. As I’m getting older I thought it was time to give Olay a try.

That was our 2021 Week 14 adventure. You can read about our week 13 here.

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11 thoughts on “Project 365 2021 Week 14 Day’s 93-99”

  1. The Easter treats look fab!
    It’s so lovely you got to visit Holland-on-Sea and spent time with the kids grandparents.
    You always get the best Lego.
    Little E’s dinner is fab! I always used to spell the kids names out too. x

  2. Lovely Easter treats, and another fab Lego set! Eek, how brave of Ethan to pick up and hold the dead sea creature, I don’t think I would be able too. Glad you are able to travel a bit further and take Ethan to his happy place.
    Little E’s dinner made me smile, hope she loved it. Olay is supposed to be a good moisturiser. I tend to stick to no.7 and some other brands, but I have tried Olay in the past, and it worked well.

  3. Looks like Holland on Sea was nice and quiet for you. The sand is golden it looks like you are abroad (other than the coats – they give it away!).

    Loving seeing everyone’s piles of Easter eggs! We had a huge pile this end too, although we did struggle to get the last few we needed.

  4. I love the Mickey and Minnie Easter bunnies. Lovely to be able to meet up with Nana and Pappy and that was brave of Ethan picking up the dogfish. Little E’s Easter Lego looks great and I love the Alphabites letters. I remember doing the same for the girls on Jessica’s last evening and they loved having their names spelled out in their dinner. #project365

  5. So glad you got to go to the beach and to see grandparents. The Easter treats look yummy! Your alphabet potatoes reminds me I haven’t fed those to my kids in ages, must get some!


  6. I don’t think me or mine would have gone anywhere near the dead fish! Lovely that the kids got to enjoy time with grandparents and hopefully restrictions will continue to lessen. #project365

  7. The Easter Lego looks great! You always find such cool LEGO products. Glad you have had a lovely week catching up with friends and family. I keep thinking I need a better skin care routine, but perhaps I have left it too late!

  8. So lovely to take Ethan out to one of his favourite oplaces. what a fab find, a shark!!!! great that he picked it up. I never get enough letters in. apack to spell my name with anything lol. I love the Easter lego

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