A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2022 Week 14, 15 and 16. My dad sadly passed away during the Easter Holidays. So these past few weeks have been ones of grieving and losing track of time. We didn’t really have any big plans as I was working over the holidays. But I also found the news hard that I didn’t want to get out and about right away.
Project 365 – 2022 Week 14, 15 & 16
Day 92 – Week 14

We went to my mum’s today as it was the day we both get our hair done. Little E has been sent the OSMO Detective Agency to review. She loves OSMO games and this is one she has wanted for some time.
Day 93

We took the children lamb cuddling today. This was something I have seen a local farm doing but I have also seen the waiting times were very long. Something that Ethan would not have been able to cope with. All Things Alpaca is where we went Alpaca trekking in Chelmsford. I had seen on Instagram that she had lambs coming in over the Easter holidays for cuddling. It was a bookable fifteen-minute experience. We basically got a private time with the lambs and Little E was in her element.
Day 94

It was Little E’s last swimming lesson of the term. We had already been informed that Little E had passed the assessments to move up a group. This means she will now go into the bigger pool. She is really excited about this and I couldn’t believe how well she was swimming when we went to Center Parcs in the half term. Today she collected her certificate.
Day 95

Darren was at home today. He took Ethan out on his bike before taking Little E over to Nannys. She was going to stay there for a few days as she gets very bored at home when I work. It was her plan but she got very homesick.
Day 96

The only photo I have today is of my brother’s countdown for his holiday to Mexico. They have been waiting for this holiday for two years. I sent him a message to say safe travels and he sent me this just to make me even more jealous. This was also the day my dad was taken to the hospital.
Day 97

Today was my Mum’s 75th birthday. Our trip to Center Parcs was our gift to her as we knew my brother would be away for the day. I was taking Ethan there after work to wish her a happy birthday in person. As we left the trampoline had been blown over in the garden. Apparently, it was a very windy day. I wasn’t totally with it waiting for updates on my dad. The trampoline is very heavy but Ethan had an Incredible Hulk moment and put it the right way up. It blew over again just as we got in the car!
Day 98

A very tired looking Little E came home today. Nanny lets her stay up late! The cat gets cuddles before me. My dad passed away today. Coivd protocol meant I couldn’t visit him in the hospital. My step-sister was hoping to find out if I could today when she was called in for an update. Unfournatly he passed very quickly before anything could be asked.
Day 99 – Week 15

A day at home was needed. I took a photo of the trampoline in its correct position in the garden.
Day 100

Darren made us get out of the house today. Ethan had really been stuck in all week and so had I. I could only face a walk at Brightlingsea. We were meant to be catching up with friends today but I couldn’t face people.
Day 101

I carried on working but avoided video meetings. It helped to keep busy. Darren took the children out on their bikes.
Day 102

I had some sympathy cards arrive today. It was also Disneyland Paris’s 30th birthday. We were meant to be there today but I cancelled it as we are hoping to do something else in the summer and I need the holiday days. We got to watch some of the celebrations on This Morning. Funny how things work out as I don’t think I would have coped with a trip after my dad’s passing.
Day 103

Ethan is learning phonics at the moment. They never learnt this way when they were younger opting for a different method. His love of Alphablokcs has resumed. I had lots of lessons whilst I worked over the Easter Holidays.
Day 104

The only photo I have today is for a Disneyland Paris competition. This would be my dream stay. I always enter these things but never win. You have to be in it to win it right!
Day 105

When Little E was born I brought a filing cabinet for all of our paperwork to go in. I used to use these file boxes before that. Today I finally completed the task of emptying out these boxes. All of our paperwork is now in the same place.
Day 106 – Week 16

I had made Little E a promise that we would have a girlie trip to see Sonic 2. Today a faced people and we went to the cinema.
Day 107

I totally forgot to get the Eater gifts out. Darren kept the children upstairs whilst I did a mad scramble to find them all.
Day 108

Ethan wanted his turn to visit the cinema. We all went to watch The Bad Guys today. This was a film I thought Ethan would be able to cope with. I think it will be the new Minions one next.
Day 109

Easter weekend was spent sorting out the house. We finally put Pluto’s pyjama party pillowcases onto the children’s pillows. They were given these on our Disney Magic Seacation last year. It was one of the events in the kid’s club.
Day 110

Warmer weather means Little E can wear her teddy bear jacket to school.
Day 111

The children finally asked to eat an Easter egg after school. They kept asking for them before bedtime but we have enough sleep issues without adding a sugar high into the mix.
Day 112

Little E had a craft fair at the end of school today. To be honest I was hoping to avoid it. But her friend was going and she has to miss out on so many things because of Ethan. Thankfully her friend’s dad could help me and keep an eye on Little E. We hadn’t prepared Ethan for the fair and it was very busy. After he looked at the stalls he wanted he then needed to leave. Little E stayed inside with her friend and her dad. The result was two happy children and a face painted Little E.
That was our 2022 Week 14, 15 and 16 adventures. You can read about weeks 12 and 13 here.
What a lovely idea to go lamb cuddling, so sweet. Well done little E with your swimming. So nice when it comes along and they can make the most of their holidays in the pool! So sorry to hear about your dad and COVID regulations getting in the way of visiting him in hospital. It’s heartbreaking how many goodbyes COVID stuff have prevented 🙁