ethan little e lego rabbit driver sitting red lego car project 365 2023

Project 365 2023 Week 16 Days 105-111

A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2023 Week 16. After our lovely Easter week off last week this week, I have been fighting an illness. I have cold, flu-like symptoms and it is making me feel miserable. This made our return-to-school week quite a struggle for me.

Project 365 – 2023 Week 16

Day 105

star wars time line order disney plus screen project 365 2023

I have never watched Star Wars in timeline order. So I started that journey today. I think it might take some time to complete!

Day 106

ethan little e lego rabbit driver sitting red lego car project 365 2023

The last day of the Easter holidays today and we went to LEGOLAND Windsor. It was quite quiet in the parks and we had a very good day.

Day 107

janes hand holding glass dissolvable paracetamol project 365 2023

Little E didn’t feel 100% during the Easter holidays. I think she has passed it on to me. I started to feel rough and decided it was time for some paracetamol. This isn’t something I do lightly which drives Darren insane. I’m not a tablet person.

Day 108

ethan holding legoland windsor maps project 365 2023

Ethan loves looking at the books and maps from places we visit when he is off his iPad. At the moment the LEGOLAND maps are his go to.

Day 109

pringles sandwich project 365 2023

Still feeling rough. I found Pringles in the cupboard which called for a crisp sandwich.

Day 110

negative covid test

I was still feeling ill, as we had some covid tests left over from when we were positive in November I took a test. It was negative. Covid felt different to this I think I’m just full of cold.

Day 111

maths growth mindset award

Little E has been really struggling with maths. We have put in place some things to hopefully help her with her learning. It must be working as she came home from school with this award. I’m so proud of her.

That was our 2023 Week 16 adventure. You can read about weeks 13, 14 and 15 here.

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5 thoughts on “Project 365 2023 Week 16 Days 105-111”

  1. My fella keeps telling me to watch Star Wars, I’ve never been a fan but he thinks I would like it.
    I love a crisp sandwich but I’ve never had one with Pringles. I need to try that. x

  2. Well done Little E on her certificate achievement. Nice to have a trip to Legoland when it’s quiet. The time I took N it was heaving as it turned out to be a local inset day. We’ve not been back since.

  3. Well done Little E with the Maths. Sorry to hear you’ve been under the weather. Love that Ethan is re reading his leaflets from lego land and that it was fairly quiet.

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