A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2023 Week 29, 30 and 31. We headed into the school summer holidays with preparations for our Disney Cruise to Bilbao and a trip to Alton Towers. We also helped some House Martin chicks whose nest broke from heavy rain.
Project 365 – 2023 Week 29
Day 196

I made myself a ham and cream cheese toasted bagel today. I haven’t had one of these for ages. Bagels used to be my go to lunch on my Saturday job.
Day 197

I was good and did some of my 5K training today.
Day 198

Monday is time for Little E’s swimming lesson. Darren takes her and took this selfie before her lesson started.
Day 199

It was Little E’s sports day today. Darren booked the day off to go and I was able to meet them there after lunch. Little E only wanted to run in the races. She came first in her single races and helped her team to place second in the relays.
Day 200

Ballet day and my time to do some reading. I enjoyed the Divergent series. The books are different from the films and this book ends in a very different way. But I did really enjoy the books and also really like the films. The films ending is nicer.
Day 201

We spotted a nest on our house. We weren’t quite sure what it was at first. Worrying that it was possibly a bee’s nest. But we soon spotted birds flying in and out of the nest.
Day 202

The last day of school today, the last day of year four and year eight. The children took in chocolate gifts for their teachers.
Project 365 – 2023 Week 30
Day 203

Little E went outside to check on the bird’s nest and it had broken. On the floor were two very young chicks. The power of Facebook helped us contact a local lady/charity. She told us to put them into some socks and we took them to her to hand-rear.
Day 204

We finally got a takeaway from the village curry house. It was very nice and we will get another meal from there when we want a special treat.
Day 205

McDonald’s day for us. A day early as it was just easier to get the takeaway today.
Day 206

It is the start of the summer holidays. My phone spent most of the day being driven around by Mario whilst playing music. This was Ethan’s form of entertainment today!
Day 207

A trip to the dentist for me today to have a filling. I took the opportunity to do some reading whilst I waited for my appointment.
Day 208

As there are no school runs during the holidays I took the chance to get my run in before I had to start work.
Day 209

I had to wake up early this morning to check us in for our Disney Cruise to Bilbao. You can log on from 5 am to start the process. The earlier you check in the earlier you can arrive at the port. We got boarding group 11 which was good and means we can get on the ship and have lunch before it gets too busy.
Project 365 – 2023 Week 31
Day 210

It’s our 15th year wedding anniversary tomorrow. Where has that time gone? As we are taking the children on an adventure we lit our unity candle today. We light it for an hour at 7.30 pm. We got married at 2.30 pm Florida time so 7.30 pm is the time it was in the UK.
Day 211

Driving to Alton Towers today and we spotted this book at the motorway services. It made me laugh as sometimes you might find me saying this!
Day 212

The start of our Alton Towers adventure. We stayed at a Premier Inn last night so that we could have a full day at the theme park. I booked a two-night stay at the Alton Towers hotel so that we could enjoy the park and the water park.
Day 213

We had dinner at the Rollercoaster Restaurant tonight. I knew Ethan would love to watch the food being delivered on the rollercoaster tracks. We all really enjoyed it.
Day 214

We all really enjoyed our time at Alton Towers. I have always wanted to visit so that Ethan could experience CBeebies Land. He loved it, we spent a lot of time in that area and still didn’t get the chance to experience everything there.
Day 215

We got something exciting in the post today. Our Disney Cruise Line luggage tags. These normally arrive after our cruise as they are sent from the States.
Day 216

We got blinds for our bi-fold windows today. There has been a debate on what to put on these windows since we moved in. We both finally agreed on these fitted blinds.
That was our 2023 Week 29, 30 and 31 adventure. You can read about weeks 26, 27 and 28 here.