Dear Ethan,
Today was a very big day for you, I’m sure you are aware, today you started school.
We picked a very special school for you, I had to battle to get you your place and we really hope it was the right choice for you.
This school doesn’t worry about pushing you to follow a curriculum, about making you sit exams to make their results look good, it wants you to gain life experience. Life experience will be the most important gift we can give you.
I know today was stressful and you didn’t really understand what was happening when we placed you on the school bus. It broke my heart that you cried and got distressed. In an ideal world the school I sent you to would have been in walking distance so that I could walk you to school everyday. I’m sad that this isn’t something that I will be doing as your mum but I’m happy to sacrifice what I thought would happen to give you the best school experience available to you.
I want school to be an enjoyable experience for you, somewhere you are happy to go and feel safe. I know it will take a while to get used to this new routine but I know we have made the best choice for you.
We are looking forward to seeing you grow.
good lock for Ethan
Thank you x
Ah, he does look so grown up now. Am sure he’s ready for it. Change is difficult, but soon it will become routine and I hope he grows to love it. You are a fab mum, doing the best for him x
Thank you x
Is Ethan in mainstream school or a school that caters to his specific needs. I agree with your point about schools forcing children to sit exams just to make their results look good. It’s about making the school look good, not about what kind of education the child needs. I hope he had a great time!
We got him into a special school, it was a battle that we somehow won x