After the draining last few weeks, covid is wanting to test us again. This week both of our children’s classes had to be closed due to the amount of covid infection in them. We were told Ethan’s class was closing and this was quickly followed by Little E’s.

On Sunday Ethan’s school was aware that there were some positive lateral flows from the staff in his class. For safety, they decided to close the class on Monday. This gave everyone time to get their PCR results. We already knew of a positive case in the class at the end of the previous week. With everyone getting negative results the class was able to open again on Tuesday.
At the end of school on Tuesday, one of the pupils got a positive lateral flow test. To help stop any further outbreak they made the announcement that they would be closing his class for ten days. It turned out to be a good idea as on Wednesday morning there were some more positive lateral flow tests from the pupils. Hopefully closing the class will contain the outbreak. Ethan’s school had already moved back to bubbles due to another outbreak in the school. As Ethan can’t have another PCR until 30 days after his positive result he is doing daily lateral flow tests.
Someone was ill with covid in Little E’s class at the beginning of this week. Meaning that she would have to have a PCR test. It was clear that there were quite a few children off sick. The children in Little E’s school are having bad headaches and upset stomachs. With quite a few positive cases confirmed they also took the action of closing her class. So she has also been at home since Thursday and we are back to trying to home school around my work.
We knew that Ethan’s class will be closing for ten days. On Sunday we will discover when Little E can return to her school. They want to know how many positive cases are in her class. They hope to gather all the PCR results over the next few days. I’m hoping at some point they return to school so I can get ready for Christmas!