neo blocking terminator film

Project 365 2021 Week 45, 46, 47 & 48 Day’s 310-337

A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2021 Week 45, 46, 47 and 48. The past month has been incredibly busy and very draining. I think Ethan having covid really wore me out. More nervous exhaustion than anything else. Having an autistic child who is ill is very hard. My work was also extremely busy so I haven’t had much blog time. Finally, I’m getting the chance to write about what we have been up to.

Project 365 – 2021 Week 45, 46, 47 & 48

Day 310 – Week 45

morning sunrise

Week 45 started with a beautiful sunrise.

Day 311

four negative lateral flow tests

We are all still showing negative on the lateral flow tests.

Day 312

ethan wearning facemask sitting dentist chair

Ethan’s first day out of isolation and we took him to a dentist appointment. We were hoping we could get to the bottom of his swollen cheek. They couldn’t see any possible issues so we just need to keep an eye on it.

Day 313

ethan little e walking home school

Finally back to the normal school runs with both children at school again.

Day 314

blue badge rule book

The rules have been changing for invisible disabilities and applying for blue badges. Parking the car is something Ethan really struggles with. If we can’t find a space it causes him great distress. It isn’t a nice experience. So we sent in an application, which wasn’t an easy task. Ethan was awarded a blue badge for the next three years.

Day 315

trainers brown leaves

It’s starting to feel like autumn on the school runs.

Day 316

going on public bus star of the week

Ethan’s class took a bus to Tesco to buy their snack. They were all given Star of the Week for being so good so week 45 ended on a high for him. I have noticed in the seniors they are really working on life skills with the children.

Day 317 – Week 46

ethan pointing animal crossing smyths toys superstore

Ethan asked to go to Smyths Toys Superstores. He pointed out what he would like for Christmas. He wants his own copy of Animal Crossing. At the moment he uses his sisters. He also pointed out a Monster Truck which is a new request!

Day 318

pink bird christmas decoration

Little E spent the weekend at nannies. This really helped as I had to work all weekend. She gets spoilt when she visits and came home with a new Christmas decoration.

Day 319

postage boxes pcr tests

Ethan was only in school for four days and he was in close contact with covid. I ordered us all PCRs but then I remembered Ethan can’t take another PCR until 90 days after his positive result. So we are just doing lateral tests with him.

Day 320

moody neo

I had a moody cat sitting next to me tonight.

Day 321

trainers wet green grass

The grass is very wet in the mornings now. I’m getting wet feet on the school run.

Day 322

cup of tea janes hand

With very tight work deadlines I have found it hard to remember to take photos. I remembered I needed a photo for today when I was having my last cup of tea for the day.

Day 323

ethan little e wearing pudsey ears children in need

It was Children In Need day today. Ethan was very excited to have Pudsey ears to wear and match his sister. It’s the first year Little E’s school has had a non-uniform day for it.

Day 324 – Week 47

little e drawing Week 45

Little E has really got into her drawing and writing. This is what our front room floor now looks like most weekends. She was writing some instructions for me on how to draw a cat.

Day 325

ethan little e two brown alpacas Week 45

We got to go on an adventure today. It feels like the first time we have been out for ages. We went on an Alpaca Trek in Chelmsford. It was originally booked in for a few weeks ago but it was the weekend that Ethan was in isolation. We were able to rearrange our trek without any issues. We had a great time with the alpacas, I think the children will want to visit again.

Day 326

little e wearing orange swimming hat Week 45

Little E went swimming tonight. We have been really struggling to get her swimming hat on her head lately. I don’t think she was very happy with me when I took her photo!

Day 327

cat written wet skoda Week 45

Darren wanted us to use this car this morning. Little E decided to write on it with her finger before we got in it.

Day 328

frosty morning river Week 45

We walked to school this morning. It was a bit frosty and very cold.

Day 329

ethan neo jane on cuddle sofa Week 45

Ethan was out of sorts tonight. It was his McDonalds night and he wasn’t happy until Darren had brought it home with him. Whilst we waited I had two little friends sitting with me on my cuddle sofa.

Day 330

snow weather forcast Week 45

My phone told me that we were going to get snow overnight. It didn’t happen and if it did it didn’t settle.

Day 331 – Week 49

silverstone christmas light sign Silverstone lap of lights Week 45

We had an invite to visit Silverstone Lap of Lights. It was a great evening and a great start to getting into the Christmas spirit.

Day 332

neo blocking terminator film Week 45

The latest Terminator film has been added to Disney+. I was looking forward to watching it but Neo had other ideas.

Day 333

little e showing school work parent teacher meeting Week 45

We had a parent-teacher meeting for Little E tonight. After what they have been through these past two years I’m so proud of her progress. I feel I don’t give her as much attention as I should because of my work and Ethan’s needs but she is doing amazing!

Day 334

three pcr tests ready posting Week 45

Little E’s turn to be a close contact this week. More PCRs ready for sending. We all got a negative result.

Day 335

rainbow dark clouds Week 45

Waiting for Little E to come out of school a rainbow appeared. A few minutes later it rained. Thankfully we missed it as we had the car to take us home tonight.

Day 336

four negative lateral flow tests Week 45

Due to the rise in covid cases, they decided to close Little E’s class at school. We are continually taking daily lateral flow tests just to make sure the children are ok.

Day 337

christmas tree collage little es school work Week 45

Little E’s teacher is assigning work whilst they are home. This was the art project she was set for today. She is actually enjoying the home learning. Such a big change from when we first went into lockdown. I still found it extremely hard juggling my work with hers. Ethan’s homeschooling doesn’t get a look in. He has been doing the daily zooms with his class.

That was our 2021 Week 45, 46, 47 and 48 adventure. You can read about our week 44 here.

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2 thoughts on “Project 365 2021 Week 45, 46, 47 & 48 Day’s 310-337”

  1. That’s great the school work on their life skills, I think my boys could do with more practical skills! The kids look so cute in their Pudsey ears. Fab Alpaca Trek photo, what a wonderful experience for the kids. It’s hard work isn’t it with the lateral flows. My son had a positive so we are waiting on PCR’s now.

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