I’m getting a bit behind with updating you all lately as Ethan is keeping me well and truly busy but whilst I have five minutes I thought I would update you with the Easter gifts Ethan brought home from nursery.
We received a lovely card that Ethan signed, I know it was Ethan as he has started to draw round shapes rather than just straight lines.
As your aware I’m talking about the squiggle not the name, I think I may have just passed out if he had written his own name in the card!
He also brought home a chick basket containing a little chocolate cake which Darren promptly ate declaring that Ethan had enough chocolate in the fridge. The wings of the chick were Ethan’s hand prints, which I thought was a very sweet idea as it made it personal.
He was also given a little chocolate bunny which Darren shared with him, sorry I meant to say that Ethan shared with his Daddy!
Darren is a nightmare when it comes to chocolate but I must admit he is getting better as he didn’t touch any of Ethan’s Easter eggs. The threats I made must have been good ones…