ethan playing animal crossing

Project 365 2021 Week 28 Day’s 191-197

A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2021 Week 28. This week was Ethan’s week of isolation, he had to isolate until Friday at midnight. This disrupted Little E’s week the most but she was amazing and coped with it as well as she could. Her school also announced it would be closing due to covid cases on Thursday causing even more disruption.

Project 365 – 2021 Week 28

Day 191

little e stage make up dance show ready

It was Little E’s ballet show today. This was the show that had to be cancelled as we went into the first lockdown. This is my attempt at ‘show’ make-up. She always rubs off the lipstick. It does feel weird putting it on her at such a young age but I know it’s all part of the ballet experience. I had to stay at home with Ethan. Darren and her grandparents were able to watch the show.

Day 192

little e seventh birthday cake

No birthday tea with our friends and grandparents today but we still celebrated Little E’s seventh birthday in the best way we could with cake!

Day 193

little e playing animal crossing

Animal Crossing was the best birthday gift apparently. Playing it quickly before school. It was a non-uniform day to celebrate England getting into the final.

Day 194

darren ethan computer home learning

Ethan had some zoom lessons this week. Darren was off today so helped play letter bingo.

Day 195

negative lateral flow test 2021 Week 28

Ethan’s PCR test came back negative on Sunday but we still did daily lateral flow tests as I knew of people at his school testing positive during the isolation period.

Day 196

ethan playing animal crossing 2021 Week 28

I might be getting a little bit addicted to Animal Crossing. Collecting things for Little E to sell. Ethan showed an interest and played on the switch for most of the day. He only walked around and talked to the different characters. He also changed Little E’s character clothes much to her distress. The ironic thing is we brought Ethan a switch when he was seven but he never played with it. We ended up selling it to a friend in the end as it was just collecting dust.

Day 197

little e last day year two 2021 Week 28

Due to Little E’s school closing, it was her last day in school today. Time for her to say goodbye to year two. She will be a junior when she returns in September.

That was our 2021 Week 28 adventure. You can read about our week 27 here.

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6 thoughts on “Project 365 2021 Week 28 Day’s 191-197”

  1. Aww! Little E looks so grown up dressed up for her ballet show and happy birthday to her.
    hehehe! My youngest gets so annoyed if anyone else touches her Switch and plays Animal Crossing. x

  2. I know what you mean about putting make-up on little ones for ballet shows – I’m not that comfortable with it either but it is all part of it. Hope that Little E enjoyed taking part. Happy belated seventh birthday to her too. Glad that Ethan’s tests have all stayed negative. Lovely photo of Little E on her last day at school. #project365

  3. I had to do a leteral flow on my eldest as his bubble burst this week with 3 positive cases: not fun… Hope Little E had a wonderful birthday and enjoyed her ballet show. #project365

  4. Sorry to hear about the isolations, hope they are both okay and enjoying the Summer Holidays. We are big animal crossing fans here too, the boys do love the switch. Happy belated birthday E, I do love a good chocolate cake.

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