A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2022 Week 25 and 26. These weeks brought with them a lot of change and also a mixture of emotions. I have changed teams at work for a few weeks to help out. We also have to look into changing our diet after discovering that Darren has high cholesterol. It is getting busy at school with lots of end-of-term activities. There have been lots of sporty events including an athletics competition.
Project 365 – 2022 Week 25 & 26
Day 169 – Week 25

Ethan somehow got lots of dust on his hair. He came downstairs to show me.
Day 170

The sky was an amazing colour tonight.
Day 171

We got this Harry Potter sorting hat mug for Darren’s fathers day gift. His house is Gryffindor.
Day 172

The kids were behind me on the walk home from school. They always get slower as it comes to the end of term.
Day 173

I spotted this crochet Queens Guard today. He is standing next to the queen but I didn’t get the chance to take a photo of her.
Day 174

Purple flowers on the school run.
Day 175

It was Little E’s sports day today. These are all the awards her team got in the tasks. She did come first in her race too.
Day 176 – Week 26

We had a girly trip to see the new Lightyear film today. We both loved it, I found it quite funny in parts. I can’t wait to watch it with the boys when it comes onto Disney+.
Day 177

Ethan wanted to use his birthday money to visit Clacton Pier. We finally took the children there this afternoon. Little E wanted to go on the twister. This is her first really fast ride. Only two people could go on together so both Darren and I anxiously watched from the side.
Day 178

Little E was asked to represent her school in an athletics competition. She came third in the final race and won the bronze medal.
Day 179

Little E took her medal into school to show her class today.
Day 180

I was able to take a photo of the crocheted Queen today.
Day 181

Ethan had an anxiety attack about his sports day today and didn’t go to school. We did however get to his special needs dentist appointment. We have been waiting for this for two years. He did so well on this visit and the dentist was able to count all of his teeth. He now has all of his adult teeth.
Day 182

I still have no idea what this plant is that Ethan brought home from school but it is growing very well.
That was our 2022 Week 25 and 26 adventures. You can read about weeks 22, 23 and 24 here.