ethan little e 7 months old

Our Siblings During February 2015

After introducing Little E to bubbles last week I had high hopes of changing our sibling’s February 2015 photos. Now that Little E is getting better with her sitting up I wanted to capture some photos of the two of them with bubbles. Unfortunately, Ethan got too excited and wouldn’t sit next to his sister. As soon as the bubbles started he was up on his feet jumping and flapping. I will have to save the bubble moment for when they are both on their feet and can jump together.

In all the chaos I did capture this photo of them both.

ethan little e 7 months old

This month I saw one of Ethan’s autistic traits in regards to his sister and I did have to laugh. Ethan is very affectionate on his terms. On the morning that Little E moved into her own room, he was shocked not to see her in our room. I asked him where she was and I’m sure if he could shrug he would have. He looked around and promptly took my hand to go downstairs. He wasn’t bothered at all that she was nowhere to be found! Thankfully we found her a little while later.

Ethan has been showing concern for his little sister this month. Little E is wanting more time on the floor at the moment in preparation for crawling. When Ethan is around we have to make sure he is very careful. Not an easy thing to do with him in full climbing mode! There have been a few near misses and one when Ethan made her cry. Immediately Ethan cried with her, touching her head wanting to know she was OK. He is also keen to give her toys if she cries for any reason as if to say ‘there you are, that should keep you quiet!’

Little E has now joined us at the table for mealtimes. We feel like this has made our mealtimes more relaxed. Ethan still isn’t eating his food that well but it hasn’t been such a battlefield for the past few weeks.

It really feels like we are having some great siblings moments now. February 2015 has seen sharing toy moments and even sharing food moments. Ethan is loving testing all of Little E’s finger foods. Watching In The Night Garden together is now a permanent part of their bedtime routine. We have some nice things planned for them this year, I’m really looking forward to them sharing these experiences.

26 thoughts on “Our Siblings During February 2015”

  1. Beautiful photo of Ethan and Little E. How lovely that Ethan is showing concern for his baby sister and I love that he gives her toys when she cries. Glad you are having some lovely sibling moments and that mealtimes are becoming less of a battlefield 🙂

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you. Mealtimes really have improved, we still need to work on the foods that Ethan eats but the whole experience is getting better x

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      It really is, I’m looking forward to when they can run around together. I’m sure I will be knackered though lol

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you, I’m so glad they look alike. It was one of the little things I wondered about when I was pregnant ;0) x

  2. What a lovely photo. It certainly sounds like you are having lots of fun moments together. It gets easier once little ones start walking and in a few months their relationship will have changed again.

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you. As much as I don’t want to rush her being a baby (its going quick enough as it is!) I can’t wait for her to start walking. I think Ethan might be in for a shock though ;0) x

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