For the past few weeks I have felt a bit down because of autism. It’s more a wallow in self pity type of down, but down nonetheless. It’s not that I want to change Ethan, I have always said autism is part of Ethan’s personality that makes him who he is. I just wish that he could talk to me.
I have had endless discussions with the professionals I have met telling me I have to change my mindset. It’s not about talking, it’s about communication. I know all this and I try to stay positive. I also know that slowly, very slowly, we are learning to communicate with Ethan. We had his team around the child meeting this week and everyone was very pleased with his progress.
That doesn’t stop the green eyed monster creeping in every now and then. I don’t know what set it off, perhaps that Ethan is trying really hard to communicate with us recently and I find myself saying everyday ‘I don’t know what you are saying’, or just seeing a child in the street talking to their mother. The autism journey really is a roller-coaster ride of emotions, and one I’m sure I’m not going to get off of soon!
To lift my mood I wanted to capture a moment that always brightens my day. Ethan has always liked looking at his books and since he started to babble he has read them aloud to us in his own special way.
Ethan may well be non-verbal but he sure does know how to make a lots of noise!

I hear you! By the way, he is not non-verbal, he is pre-verbal! Listen to all those words coming out of his mouth… okay, he is not speaking English at the moment BUT I bet you ten cappuccinos that he will be sometime in the future! xx
Thank you so much for your comment, it really gives me some hope. I will hold you to that bet ;0)
Aw what a lovely post and so interesting to read about his reading journey, am going to spend a bit of time looking through your posts, it’s lovely to find your blog. Ethan is gorgeous. Although different circumstances altogether, my youngest daughter isn’t talking much yet but she doesn’t stop babbling- she will chat to me non stop- not that I have a clue what she is saying! 😉
Thank you, thanks for hosting. I’m glad I could take part. It is nice to hear them babbling but I really wish someone could translate, it would make things so much easier ;0)
Ah Jane I can understand that. It must be really hard sometimes, in the world we live in (especially the blogging world) it is hard not to compare to others at the best of times. All well and good being told to change your mindset but that’s easier said than done! Lovely to enjoy and celebrate the lovely moments and so nice he enjoys his reading so much 🙂 xx
Thank you, it can be hard at times but the blogging world has really helped me know that I am not alone. There really are lots of ups and downs, I suppose it’s all part of the fun ;0)
Aaaw this is fabulous, Jane! It’s great that he obviously enjoys his books so much, such a cutie 🙂 #ordinarymoments
Thank you, he does love his books x
He’s so full of expression when he’s reading, looks like hes really enjoying the book! What a gorgeous little boy you have! #theordinarymoments
He has so much expression, they told me he had none when he was diagnosed. If only they could see him now!
Ethan is coming on a treat in all walks of life at the moment, it must be wonderful for you to see. #MagicMoments
It is, sometimes I just need to remember how far he has come and how hard he is working to get there :0)