inside car looking out rainy window wingmirror

Project 365 2021 Week 20 Day’s 135-141

A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2021 Week 20. We are settling into our weekly routine and we are even starting to fit in Little E’s school book reading and home learning. Well sometimes! Ethan however is all over the place. When he was seven we went through a continuous throwing stage. It was the hardest stage with have been through in our autism journey. This past week Ethan has started jumping and having the same reaction as he did with the throwing. He thinks it is very funny. It isn’t and it drives us mad. We have no idea what has started it but turning eleven is bringing with it lots of changes. We really hope this stage passes soon, it lasted for a year last time and had a big impact on my mental health.

Project 365 – 2021 Week 20

Day 135

little e wearing sisu dress raya last dragon

Little E has grown out of her favourite Princess Ariel party dress. She really enjoys the Raya and the Last Dragon film. I spotted this Sisu dress on Shop Disney and knew she would love it.

Day 136

little e eye test machine opticians

It was eye test day for me and Little E. We both had our last tests over two years ago and Little E can’t really remember it. I’m so proud of her she told me she was very scared about the machines. She did so well. They want Little E to return next year as she has a slight prescription need but they want to see if it was brought on because of lockdown. Of course, I needed new glasses. I picked new frames in less than ten minutes as the shop was closing. I didn’t want to have to return as Ethan was making it quite stressful with his jumping. Darren only came into the opticians with Ethan when it was picking glasses time.

Day 137

little e swimming hat unicorn onesie

Monday routine and swimming day for Little E.

Day 138

darren digging flower bed garden

Darren is slowly organising our garden. This week he made room for a flower bed. It will be the first time we have plants in our garden. We have got to find the right ones as our garden can be quite damp at times.

Day 139

inside car looking out rainy window wing mirror 2021 Week 20

Wednesday is my evening for after school activity running around. Every time we got in the car it was raining. There was even thunder at one point.

Day 140

little e holding chocolate egg with face 2021 Week 20

My friend brought Little E a treat on the way home from school. It was a chocolate egg with a face on it. Little E loved it!

Day 141

jane ethan wearing face masks selfie 2021 Week 20

Ethan’s school had to have an emergency closure day due to a mice issue. As Ethan is now eleven and technically has to wear face masks I thought the school run was a good practice. He didn’t like it at first, the last time he wore one was in August 2020. The school pick up was a better face mask experience for him.

That was our 2021 Week 20 adventure. You can read about our week 19 here.

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8 thoughts on “Project 365 2021 Week 20 Day’s 135-141”

  1. We’ve got eye tests coming up next week. I think my eyes have got worse since 2 years ago when they first gave me reading glasses for small packets. N needs to go back and review his overlays and see if he needs tinted glasses to help him see the board at school. Glad Ethan got on better wearing the face mask.

  2. It sounds like you are going through a difficult stage with Ethan. I hope it passes soon.
    Little E’s new dress is fabulous.
    Good on Darren with the gardening. It is hard work digging flower beds. x

  3. Sorry to hear that Ethan is going through a more challenging stage again and hope that it passes soon. Well done to Little E for coping well with her eye test and to Ethan for coping better with wearing a mask. Good luck with finding the right plants for your garden. #project365

  4. Love the Sisu dress.

    Bee needs another eye test I think as she’s saying she can’t see the board at her school again. Well done on Little E with coping!

    Hope the challenging stage with Ethan passes soon

  5. Worrying at that mice situation! My eldest turns 11 in 2 days and I’ve made him practise wearing a mask to visit shops etc. Urgh! the rain! it’s supposed to be May! #project365

  6. I keep meaning to book an eye test. Well done E on having hers and I do love her new dressing up outfit. Eeek! Hope the school resolved the mice issue and glad to hear Ethan is happier with a face mask now.

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