elsa mini character frozen school shoes

Project 365 2021 Week 11 Day’s 72-78

A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2021 Week 11. This week we had a small celebration for Mothers Day. But it was also a day that also brought with it a meltdown for Ethan. Brought on by the lack of being able to buy new school shoes for Little E. A week where I really struggled with my hay fever. It is also our second week of being back into our full routine. I thought Ethan was the only one who really needed routine but the return to school has really lifted my spirits. I have had to pause my training at work as we have a new project to work on. My working hours were spent sourcing information for the team.

Project 365 – 2021 Week 11

Day 72

maple syrup mustard chicken rice

We tried another new slow cooker meal for dinner today. It is maple syrup and mustard chicken. I wasn’t sure of the smell when I started cooking the dinner but it was really delicious. Little E wasn’t that sure of it but Ethan ate the chicken. This is one we might be able to cook again another time.

Day 73

handmade mothers day cards 2021

Mother’s Day today and both children made cards at school. Little E did some great colouring on hers. Ethan’s was finger painting leaving a heart shape in the middle. He also brought home the heart decoration for me. He told me he made them himself. I know he would have needed support but it is great to know he tried.

Day 74

little e tinkerbell tutu light up wings world book day

A late World Book Day celebration at Little E’s school today. We thought we might have got away with not having to do it this year. Little E is very picky about what she will wear. I was able to find this Tinkerbell top and tutu on the ShopDisney website. Last year I got her the light-up wings for her birthday. She has happy going as Tinkerbell from Peter Pan. For her very first World Book Day at nursery, she also dressed up as Tinkerbell.

Day 75

elsa mini character frozen school shoes

Little E’s new school shoes arrived yesterday. These shoes were the cause of Ethan’s meltdown on Sunday. Ethan was the only one to ask about the shoes as soon as he got in from school on Monday afternoon. Hopefully, they fit Little E OK. I was hoping to wait until Clarks opened again before buying new school shoes but Little E’s were causing her blisters. She loves that these are Elsa shoes.

Day 76

little e closing eyes holding daffodil 2021 Week 11

Little E is really fascinated with the daffodils on our school runs. This photo was taken by my friend as I walked with Ethan. I love it and it’s so much better than my daffodil capture last week.

Day 77

ethan little e head cuddles school run 2021 Week 11

There was time for some very special Ethan cuddles this morning on the school run. I took this photo of the children whilst we waited for Ethan’s school transport.

Day 78

ethan minion fancy dress red nose day 2021 Week 11

Red Nose Day and Ethan’s school celebrated with the option of dressing up as cartoon characters or in non-uniform. We have always put Ethan in non-uniform as he has never requested to dress up. Tuesday night he was very excited about it being Red Nose Day on Friday and declared he would go as a Minion! Que frantically searching on Amazon for Minion-looking items that could be sent via next-day delivery. A yellow hat, steampunk glasses, and a yellow t-shirt were the best I could do. Ethan loved it.

That was our 2021 Week 11 adventure. You can read about our week 10 here.

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12 thoughts on “Project 365 2021 Week 11 Day’s 72-78”

  1. I love the sound of the maple syrup and mustard chicken. I love my slow cooker but that is something I’ve not tried.
    What pretty cards for you for Mother’s day.
    Little E’s shoes are so cool. I would have loved them when I was her age.
    I love that photo on day 77. Ethan and Little E look so close. Bless them. x

  2. They are gorgeous shoes. I bought some for Eliza this week too, although we got ours in Tesco as wasn’t confident with the home measuring. Turns out she has jumped from a 1 to a 3, no wonder her shoes were hurting #oops. Love the minion outfit

  3. That maple syrup and mustard chicken looks delicious. Love your cards from Ethan and Little E. I love Little E’s Tinkerbell outfit and her Elsa shoes. I ordered Sophie’s online from Clarks and made an educated guess size-wise. Thankfully they seem to be okay! Love the photo of Ethan and Little E having a cuddle and Ethan looks very happy to be dressed as a Minion. #project365

  4. My eldest has outgrown all his shoes and all three have gone up a size in clothes all at the same time! All the local daffodils are in full bloom except the ones in our garden 🙁 #project365

  5. E’s shoes remind me of some I had as a little girl with a key in them. Love the minion outfit you did really well to get that organised in such a short space of time. That slow cooker dish sounds really nice I really need to get into the swing of using ours again.

  6. The mothers day cards are so lovely! The chicken and rice look amazing.. even I would be excited with those Elsa shoes.. is m seeing that design for the first time 🙂

  7. What a beautiful photo of your two together! There’s so much emotion. Little E looks so pretty as Tinkerbell. The daffodil snap is beautiful too.
    Ethan looks fab as Minion, immediately recognisable outfit! Mother’s day cards are lovely.
    Sorry to hear about the meltdowns.

  8. For a lst minute outfit, it’s fab. I’m so loving little E’s Elsa shoes, they’re amazing. Sorry to hear Ethan had a meltdown, it must all be so confusing for him with covid

  9. You are good continuing with your culinary adventures, maple syrup and mustard chicken sounds interesting. The cards and handmade decoration are really lovely, well done kids. Sweet picture of the two of them having a cuddle, wish mine would do that! They seem to just annoy each other lately.

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